How To Atome / PayWithSplit
Atome FAQ
Q: What are the payment methods for repayment?
- App repayment.
- Go to your ATOME APP. Select "Check and Pay" overdue bills. Update your credit or debit card details.
- Auto-Deduction
- Deposit sufficient funds to the debit/credit card bound to your Atome account for auto deduction.
Q: What are the payment methods for repayment if I failed to pay by cards?
- Bank Transfer
- Bank Name: OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad
- Account Number : 710-131772-4
- Account Name: APAYLATER SDN. BHD.
To avoid delays in posting your payment, kindly leave your customer number or name in the “payment description” and send your proof of payment, name, and phone number to
Important Reminder: If you pay through PayNow or Bank Transfer, there would be a delay for matching your repayment to your outstanding balance. During this time, your total outstanding balance may be auto-debited from your nominated account if there is sufficient balance. If this happens, please contact us at to process the refund of the overpaid amount.
Q: Am I eligible to use the Atome service?
To use the service, you must:
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Currently reside in Malaysia
- Have a mobile phone number registered under your MyKad with your telco
- Own a credit or debit card that will be used to pay for your purchases on Atome
Shop with an Atome merchant partner and choose Atome as your preferred payment method at checkout. Make your first repayment (one-third of your bill) with your credit or debit card at the time of purchase and the rest over the next two months in two equal interest-free instalments. It’s that easy.
We know it’s hard to believe, but there really isn’t one.The only cost that you might incur (apart from the price of your purchase) is a fixed late repayment fee that never snowballs.
Atome is a free service: there are no hidden service fees or interest charges if you pay all your scheduled instalments on time. That said, the merchant you're shopping with may charge you additional fees for using Atome to pay - that’s between you and the merchant you’re buying goods from.
It depends on each merchant’s return and refund policy. As long as the merchant agrees to the refund, we’ll immediately process your refund.
If you receive a full refund, any unpaid instalments will be cancelled , and the amount already charged will be refunded. For example, if you’ve made your first repayment, we’ll cancel the two other instalments and you’ll also get your first instalment refunded.
With a partial refund, refund amounts are taken off your next scheduled instalment first. For example, if you bought two items that cost RM45 each and paid your first instalment of RM30, you will receive a partial refund of RM45. Your third instalment will be cancelled and you’ll only pay RM15 for your second instalment. Any excess balance will be refunded to your debit or credit card.
Two items: RM90 (30 x 3 instalments)
Partial refund: RM45
Amount due: RM45
First instalment = RM30
Second instalment = RM30 (-RM15)
Third instalment = RM30 (cancelled)
Your Atome account will be updated to reflect the full or partial refund under the “Bills” tab.
Q: Can repayment date be pushed back?
Under normal circumstances, no, but if you are facing technical difficulties or other problems that prevent you from paying on time, though, please get in touch with us as soon as possible so we can provide you with the support that you need.
If you missed a scheduled payment, we will charge you an administration fee and freeze your account until the outstanding amounts are paid. To reactivate your account, we will charge a RM50 fee. If this reactivation fee and instalment is not paid within seven days, an additional RM25 fee will be charged. In Malaysia, the maximum administrative fee is capped at RM150 per transaction.
We can go on forever but here are the main benefits of using Atome.
You don’t have to hold off on your purchases or chalk up a huge credit card debt to get what you want
From clothes to services, with Atome, you can purchase items or enjoy a service upfront without needing to pay for the full lump sum on the spot. Payment comes via three manageable repayments spread over two months period.
Here’s an example to illustrate our point.
David is an avid user of Atome and he synced his debit card to the app when he signed up. He needed a well-fitting suit for an upcoming job interview so he decided to get it from his favourite tailor. So instead of using his debit card or credit card when it comes time to pay for the RM300 balance at checkout, he chooses Atome instead. We’ll do the math and split your bill into three equal manageable payments. David will make his first payment of RM100 (one third of the total) on the day of his purchase. Once he has made his first repayment, he won’t be direct debited until the following month. So if he bought his suit on 14 November 2019, his second repayment would be due on 14 December, his last payment on 14 January. You’re essentially getting two months to pay off the total purchase price so it’s much more manageable, especially if you’re on a tight budget.
Doesn’t matter if you don’t have a credit card
We take both debit and credit cards. Use whichever card you’re more familiar with.
Perfect even if you have the memory of a goldfish
With so many things going on in our lives, it’s hard to remember the various instalment due dates. That is why we’ve done all the organising for you. We will split the total sum of your bill into 3 equal instalments which are automatically charged to the debit or credit card linked to your account, so you don’t have to worry that you’ll miss a payment so long as you have money in your bank account. Also, you will be sent a copy of your payment schedule through email, so you can manage your finances and make sure that you have money in your account for those payment every month, or even pay in advance if you chose to do so.
It takes the same amount of time as any other payment method
If you don’t have an account with us, just enter your phone number, email address, address and payment details to create one. Once you’re done, you can pay with Atome right away. There’s no need to go through lengthy application processes that you might experience when taking out a loan.
You can save money on interest
When you pay with Atome, you don’t have to pay any interest on your repayments. The only costs you’ll ever pay is the price of your purchase and late payment fees (if you miss a payment deadline).
Refunds are allowed
If you’re concerned that you wouldn’t be able to get a refund if you pay with Atome, fret not. You can still get a refund for purchases made with Atome so long as the retailer agrees to it.
FAQ : Pay in installments up to 3 months, 0% interest with SPLIT now!!

Q: What is Split?Q: Apa itu Split? A: Split is an installment payment service that allows stores to offer their customers the choice of paying in up to 3 equal monthly payments online. Your remaining installments will be auto-deducted in the following months (don’t worry, we believe in 100% transparency and we’ll notify before any deduction)A: Split adalah perkhidmatan pembayaran ansuran yang membolehkan Fana Couture memberi pilihan kepada anda untuk membayar sehingga 3 pembayaran bulanan yang sama dalam talian. Baki ansuran anda akan dikurangkan secara automatik padabulan-bulan berikutnya (jangan risau, kami yakin dengan ketelusan 100% dan kami akan memberitahu sebelum ada potongan) Q: Why did Split reject my card?Q: Mengapa Split menolak kad saya? A: Possible reasons include insufficient amount in the card or your bank may be blocking e-commerce transactions. Additionally please ensure you aren’t using a prepaid card, Split only accepts debit and credit cards.A: Sebab yang mungkin termasuk jumlah kad yang tidak mencukupi atau bank anda mungkin menyekat transaksi e-dagang. Selain itu, pastikan anda tidak menggunakan kad prabayar, Split hanya menerima kad debit dan kredit. Q: Who can use Split?Q: Siapa yang boleh menggunakan Split? A: Residents of Malaysia, Singapore and Brunei above the age of 18. Owns a credit or debit card.A: Penduduk Malaysia, Singapura dan Brunai yang berumur 18 tahun ke atas. Memiliki kad kredit atau debit. Q: Does Split charge fees?Q: Adakah Split mengenakan yuran? A: Split is always free for people to use - no interest, late fees, processing fees or any hidden fees.A: Split bebas digunakan oleh semua orang - tanpa faedah, tanpa yuran lewat, tanpa bayaran memproses atau apa-apa bayaran tersembunyi.
STEP 1With your selected items at checkout, simply choose the “Split” payment methodPilih item pilihan anda dan semasa pembayaran, pilih kaedah pembayaran "Split"STEP 2Make payment by selecting the button. Without making payment, your order will not be shipped outLakukan pembayaran dengan klik pada butang "Make Payment". Tanpa membuat pembayaran, pesanan anda tidak akan dihantar STEP 3Enter your details and pay your first installment with any payment card.Masukkan maklumat anda dan bayar ansuran pertama anda dengan kad pembayaran.STEP 4Purchase complete! For your reference, we’ll email you a summary of your remaining installments and their due dates.Pembelian selesai! Untuk rujukan anda, kami akan menghantar e-mel kepada anda ringkasan tentang baki ansuran anda dan tarikh pembayaran akan tiba
Q : I already received the order confirmation from Fana Couture. Is my order being processed?Q : Saya telah pun menerima pengesahan pesanan dari Fana Couture. Adakah pesanan saya akan di proses? A : Please make payment! You can check your email or SMS to find the link that Split has sent you. After completing payment, Split will send you a confirmation email.A : Sila lakukan pembayaran pertama terlebih terlebih dahulu. Sila semak email & SMS yg pihak Split hantarkan kepada anda. Selepas menyelesaikan pembayaran Pihak Split akan menghantar email pengesahan Q: When do I receive the order? Do I have to finish paying before I get my product?Q: Bilakah saya menerima pesanan? Adakah saya perlu menyelesaikan pembayaran sebelum mendapatkan produk saya? A: No, you don’t! Once your first installment has been successfully paid, Fana Couture will process and ship your order.A: Tidak perlu. Setelah ansuran pertama anda berjaya dibayar, Fana Couture akan memproses dan menghantar pesanan anda. Q: What happens when I pay late for 2nd & 3rd installment payment?Q : Apa yang berlaku apabila saya lewat lakukan pembayaran ansuran ke-2 & seterusnya? A: Split does not charge any late fees. Please ensure that you are able to pay your installments on time, and if you foresee difficulties in payment, please reach out to Split’s customer service team at support@paywithsplit.coA: Split tidak mengenakan sebarang bayaran lewat. Pastikan anda dapat membayar ansuran tepat pada waktunya, dan jika anda menghadapi kesukaran dalam pembayaran, hubungi khidmat pelanggan Split di
Q: If I pay using Split, can I refund my product?Q: Sekiranya saya membayar menggunakan Split, bolehkah saya memulangkan semula produk saya? A: Absolutely, simply contact Fana Couture by email and request a refund. Once we approve your refund, Split will return any installments that have already been paid.A: Sudah tentu, hubungi Fana Couture melalui e-mel untuk pemulangan semula. Setelah kami meluluskan pembayaran balik anda, Split akan mengembalikan ansuran yang telah dibayar.
Q: How many Split installment plans can I have at a time?Q: Berapa banyak rancangan ansuran Split yang dapat saya miliki pada satu masa? A: You can only have 1 ongoing installment plan with Split.A: Anda hanya boleh mempunyai 1 pelan ansuran dengan Split. Q: How many products can I have in ONE installment plan? Is there a maximum amount for installments?Q: Berapa banyak produk yang saya dapat dalam SATU pelan ansuran? Adakah jumlah maksimum untuk ansuran? A: The is a limit of RM1500 for purchases in Fana Couture.A: Had maksimum untuk belian di dalam Fana Couture tidak melebihi RM 1500 Q: Can I pay off my installments early?Q: S: Bolehkah saya membayar ansuran lebih awal? A: Of course! You can do so at and click first-time login.A: Sudah tentu! Anda boleh melakukannya di dan klik log masuk kali pertama. Q: Is there a minimum amount to use Split in Fana Couture?Q: Adakah amaun minimal untuk menggunakan Split di Fana Couture? A: The minimum limit of RM150 to use Split for purchases in Fana Couture.A: Had minimum untuk belian di dalam Fana Couture untuk Split adalah RM 150. Q: When will my card be automatically charged?Q: Bilakah kad saya akan dicaj secara automatik? A: Exactly one month from the first day of purchase. For example, you paid your first installment on 1 March. Your next installments will be 1 April and 1 May. You can also check your confirmation email from Split.A: Tepat satu bulan dari hari pertama pembelian. Contohnya, anda telah membayar ansuran pertama pada 1 Mac. Ansuran anda yang seterusnya adalah pada 1 April dan 1 Mei. Anda juga boleh menyemak e-mel pengesahan anda dari Split. Q: Can I have 4 or 6 month installment plans?Q: Bolehkah saya mempunyai rancangan ansuran 4 atau 6 bulan? A: Unfortunately no, Split only offers up to 3 monthly installment.A: Maaf tidak boleh, Split hanya menawarkan sehingga 3 ansuran bulanan.